June 06, 2020

Create Email Contact Form with Simple

An Email Contact Form is a form that anyone can use to contact a person or business entity without publishing their email address. Usually this is used on websites / blogs, or can also be installed on social media. We will present below how to create a simple email contact form and how to install it.

So far we use 2 service providers namely Google Form and Email Me Form. Both can be used free of charge, but Email Me Form has more complex features.

Email Contact Form using Google Form

Google Form is in my opinion the simplest.
  1. Open Google Form and login with your Google ID.
  2. Use the Contact Information template, this method will make you generate email contact form quickly

    Google Form Template - Contact Information

  3. Adjust what data is needed
  4. Click send on the top right and you just generate the contact form

Email Contact Form using Email Me Form

There is no significant difference in terms of ease of use, Email Me Form just more crowded because there are many features that provide more value, especially on the Plus Plan Subscription. Various things can be applied here such as:
  • Can choose whose email inbox to use as a destination
  • Template ready to used
  • Antispam Protection, CAPTCHA
  • SSL Encryption, etc.
If all already sets, click Save Form. You can use Code button to embed or share the form. 
Email Me Form - Template

How do you post this contact form on your website / blog and also share it on social media?

Google Form Template - embed and share

From screenshot above, you can see share / embed menu after click Send button. If you want to embed the form on website or blog, just copy the code and paste on the page in HTML mode then save or publish. Here the sample. This also applies to the form created on Email Me Form.

Then to share the form on your social media, use the share link. Email Me Form provide link, button, etc. While Google Form only provides a link.

Email Me Form - Share

Share Email Contact Form Link Tips

If you want to make the link looks simpler, take advantage of URL link shortening services, bitly.com for example. If you sign up, you can adjust the character after bit.ly/xxxxx.
